One-on-one welder training courses
Alternative option to a Welding School or
Welding college
(No Previous experience required)
97% success rate since 2010
Learn how to weld - Welding courses
My One-on-One welding courses are a
welder beginners guide plus
touching on advanced welding techniques.
Alternative to a welding school.
Even if you have never welded in your life before.
I will teach you to be a proficient welder, in just 1 Day.
Weld in 1 Day™ Weld in 1 Day© 97% success rate

Welding classes near me. Welding school
Aluminum welding classes
Click below to see this welding course presentation on YouTube.
Showing clear short HD video clips of my welding in action.

One-on-one Welder Training Courses. I COME TO YOU!
Learn how to weld proficiently, in just 1 Day!
Learning to weld proficiently, is a gift for life!
I come to your premises to teach you, anywhere in England UK.
This is undoubtedly the most comprehensive, detailed and in-depth one-on-one welder training course available.
I can make the bold statement of "Learn to weld in 1 Day" because my previous students have averaged a 97% success rate since 2010. Therefore, it stands to reason, that my teaching methods and style must certainly have credability to them.
In the beginning I, like many other experienced welders, did not believe it possible to teach others to weld proficiently, in just one day. Because it is such a complex skill, with many intricate techniques to master.
Until I was approached to create a “1 Day welder training course” by Vauxhall car manufacturers in North London. I managed to create this exact course and have followed it ever since, with great results. I have a 97% success rate with all my students, since I started teaching in 2010.

Welding is an art. I teach students all the necessary components
to become proficient welders, in just one day. I've developed a strategy
that works, starting with the theory of welding first.
Because understanding the priciples of welding, makes all the difference.
I then move on to practical demonstrations once the theory is understood.
If you do not have premises where we can do the welder training, I then use a company north of London called BLOQS. They have all the requirements to hire floor space from them in a welder cubicle.

This is an example of welding a notched beam on a construction site. The welds need to be absolutely perfect. The welded beam here needed to carry a double story building.
Many welders shy away from this type of welding. There's a lot of responsibility involved here. If that beam breaks, the building comes down.
I have a £2,000,000 public liability insurance policy to cover me on construction sites.
I have a theory, which I do not want to test at any point. I can only claim once. After that the insurance company won't want to insure me again.
So my carear would be ended as a construction site welder.
I will teach you my very simple and logical way to overcome the risk of this kind of weld ever failing. Yet, strangely enough, engineers do not specify my welding technique to overcome this potential problem. Don't understand why not?
Such a simple and straight forward solution.
This photograph was taken at an international aircraft maintenance company in London. This student had never welded before, and I was teaching him aluminium welding, which is the most difficult technique of them all.
At the end of the course the on site managers gave me amazing feedback, saying, the students agreed it was "the best course they have ever been on"
This shows, that by just carefully, and maticulously follow my instruction, you CAN achieve proficient welding results.

My name is Deon van Rooyen, the creator of these, Learn to weld proficiently, in 1 Day welder training courses.
You can checkout my website to see all the welding activities I do on a daily basis. From welding structural beams on construction sites to welding aluminium bicycles. Aluminium welding repairs to motorcycles, Porsche, Ferrari, Lamborghini, Bugatti Veyron, Audi R8, Mercedes, BMW …. . the list goes on. TIG Aluminium welding since 1993. MIG and Arc welding since 1973. I’m working on the idea of converting all my teaching knowledge over into video welder training courses now.

Ferrari Aluminium welding repairs.
I have picked up so much welding experience from the multitude of diverse activities I get myself involved with. I don’t say no to a challenge in life. In fact, I have a phrase on my website that gets me into trouble from time to time saying.
“My approach to work is, Nothing is a problem”.
I have reached retirement age and want to pass on my acquired knowledge to the world in the form of video courses.
I have spent years experimenting with different techniques out
in the field. Now I’m recording everything I’ve learned on paper and turning it into video footage.
I combine my Arc and MIG welding course together because of their similarities.
Stainless steel welding course is a separate 1 Day welding course. Aluminum welding course is seperate too.
I added the facility to share the courses, teaching 4 students at a time to split the cost. That is, if the students have a little bit of
previous welding experience. Otherwise I prefer not to teach
more than 3 students with little or no previous experience.
This next photo was taken of me in 2019.
I haven’t changed much since creating these welding courses.

The Art of becoming a successful welder.
The art of welding, is learning how to control the 1440 degree C liquid molten metal puddle. How to overcome gravity pulling on the liquid puddle. Using very easy to follow techniques I teach and show you. Easy tips and tricks that make a remarkable difference to your results. How to control the liquid puddle to flow exactly where you want it to go. I watch over your shoulder, guiding you every step of the way.
It is really that easy, once you understand my indepth and detailed explanations. That is why I achieve a 97% success rate.
These are photos extracted from one of many videos shot using the combination of the amazing video camera, lense filter and software I use to achieve these clear images and videos.
The camera manages to get rig of the overexposure of the extremely bright light which helps to show and explain the techniques I use to teach.
"Do as I Do, and you WILL achieve the exact same results"
It is very important to keep an eye on this molten metal puddle to control the flow of the liquid. Guiding it exactly where you want it.
All explained in the one-on-one course.

This is the standard of Arc welding I achieve from my students
when they carefully, and maticulously follow my instructions.
Follow my instructions and you WILL
achieve the same welding results.

This forms part of the 1 Day welder training course
to show and teach how to avoid this from happening.

This is the result from one of my students after
1 days Arc welder training.

This was an interesting example. This student was sent off to a 1 Day welding course in north London to learn stainless steel TIG welding. Arrived back at the company and asked. Did you learn everything needed. Nope, I didn't learn a thing! Oh dear.
That's when I was contacted to go to them to do my 1 Day training course. They had a very old TIG welder. I checked it out, made one slight adjustment to the settings and found it to work perfectly. These are the results from this student on my TIG stainless steel welding course. This was his second attempt.
Absolutely perfect weld. I was so pleased with his results.
This testimonial - review was from my very first
training course back in 2010
Here is a short list of the companies I have taught in the past:
Pilkington Glass in Liverpool where I taught 7 of their students over a 2 day period.
Coco Cola. I go back every 4 years to give them refresher courses.
2 Aircraft component maintenance companies. One near Stanstead airport and another company north of London.
Welder proficiency certificates issued after successful completion
of the 1 Day welder training courses.
Arc and MIG welding courses are combined in one course
because of their similarities.
The welding techniques are very much the same.
TIG Stainless Steel welding course is a seperate course,
as well as TIG pipe welding for the food industry.
TIG Aluminium welding course is seperate too.

Contact me:
Deon van Rooyen
Tel: 0333 666 3213
Mob: 07745775212

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